All safety measures for sites and landfills both exhausted or still operating have the primary purpose of removing and isolating the source of pollution, in order to protect people and environment.
As reported in the Legislative Decree 152/2006, according to the degree of contamination and the nature of the site, three types of safety measures can be carried out:
- Emergency safety measures (ESM);
- Operational safety;
- Permanent Securing;
- Securing landfill sites.
Over the years, Castiglia has gained considerable experience in SOA OG12 (VIII class, unlimited amounts) category interventions; thanks to a large and qualified technical and operational staff, it is able not only to carry out what is defined and requested by the client but also to propose innovative and ever-changing solutions upgraded with the best available technology.
The constant renewal of the fleet of vehicles and equipment, as well as the continuous updating with the main suppliers of the reclamation sector, environmental remediation and safety measures (such as HDPE sheets, non-woven fabrics, drainage geocomposites, biogas extraction wells, combustion of biogas, etc.), guarantee the best outcome for the location and its specific surroundings.